Friday, December 16, 2011

Creeper Damage?

I am going to remain unbiased as I possibly can when it comes to this; I will tell you my opinion right now, and that is... IT SHOULD BE GONE.

Whew! Now that we got out of the way, on to what I wanted to talk about.
Creeper damage, for me on Survival MultiPlayer(SMP), has always been nerfed. From Vanillacraft, to kreatious,.. to kreatious again( :3 ). Now, I am one that once I build something, I don't want it griefed; I don't want it messed with. So, naturally I am going to dislike this. Apparently, as do many other people. There is a poll on the forums(that you should vote on!), that has to do with this very topic. 27 people(~80%) in favor of removing the damage'ability' of creepers. And 5(~20%) wanting to keep them blowing up.

I'm fine with them blowing up my things, well... for the most part, because it's not that hard to fix. BUT, what I don't like, is this:

This, is right outside spawn. These pictures taken by kieranchocian, show what they actually do; incase you didn't notice, that is right outside the spawn building. Also, along with HovR having to roll things back, which takes time, italia and I had to fix part of a road by hand. Then, another time, we didn't have materials in which to fix the road, so we had to leave it. Broken.(Probably what HovR rolled back; it was on Yellow road)

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